Gaia-X 4 moveID
Requirements and Applications of Gaia-X in the Edge Device Automobile
New vehicle functions with dynamic vehicle architecture
The Gaia-X 4 AGEDA project looks at the requirements and applications of Gaia-X in the automobile as an edge device. The goal is to develop a software architecture in the vehicle that enables data-driven applications and dynamic adaptations by design. We seamlessly integrate the design principles and data space concepts of Base-X into innovative vehicle architectures.
The connectivity of the vehicle creates benefits for manufacturers, users and the mobility system. The architecture enables the connection of all vehicle functions with cloud-based services. Additional applications can still be implemented after delivery. The core innovations include the reference implementation of a new vehicle architecture as well as exemplary mobility applications.
Mobility applications by connected vehicles and surroundings
The aim of the project is to develop a future-proof architecture standard in vehicle development. This standard enables the vehicle to be interconnected with its surroundings in order to support safety-critical functions. Full data sovereignty is guaranteed for all stakeholders involved. The long-term development of new business models in the mobility sector is possible. The mobility applications developed in the project are, for example, "Collective Vision and Control" and "Physical Internet" (PI).
Collective Vision and Control
Sensors from different vehicles collect information that can be combined in a road condition map and used for road rehabilitation: Collective information collection
Information and external data, e.g. on the traffic infrastructure, are promptly transmitted to other vehicles to warn them of hazards: Collective warning
Limited access to individual vehicle functions (e.g. brakes): Limited Remote Control
Remote control of vehicles in non-standard situations: Remote Control
Physical Internet (PI)
Vehicles are connected to a manufacturer-independent cloud-based data and services ecosystem in order to implement the Physical Internet similar to the data-based Internet. During transportation, the route of freight adapts dynamically to the current volume of goods, transport capacities, the traffic situation and other parameters. By using in-vehicle networks and standardized interfaces, parcels are recorded within the vehicles, remaining transport capacities are calculated and the transport and handover of goods is regulated.
Development processes for cloud-based vehicle functions
The project effectively supports the development of new functions and the optimization of existing ones.
Development processes for cloud-based and data-driven offers and functions in the vehicle are considerably simplified with the newly developed vehicle architecture and corresponding processes, methods and tools. This saves time and costs.
The continuous refinement of vehicle functions for existing vehicles and the transformation of suppliers and OEMs into providers of mobility services add value in after-sales.
This reduces the pressure to create added value through new vehicle series and leads to better sustainability.
Gaia-X 4 Future Mobility family of projects and Gaia-X ecosystem
The project Gaia-X 4 AGEDA offers an integration platform for Base-X and Gaia-X mobility applications with vehicle interaction. It enables the connection of various edge devices to data and service ecosystems. By seamlessly connecting different mobility applications and vehicles, data and services are used efficiently. Users of Base-X-based applications experience improved interaction with services in the edge device vehicle through the integration of the Gaia-X 4 AGEDA integration layer. The collaboration with Gaia-X 4 moveID, Gaia-X 4 ROMS within the project family and NeMo.bil outside the project family underlines this importance. In NeMo.bil's People Mover, for example, we integrate AGEDA's hardware with Gaia-X 4 moveID's SSI solution and NeMo.bil's vehicle.